Tag List
You can check the tag list here.
How to access Tag List page
Click [Contents] -> [Tag].
Tag List Item Description
|Item |Description |
| :--- | :--- |
|Search|You can search existing tags. Input the condition and click [Search].|
|Public|It shows whether the tag is published or not.
: Published
: Unpublished|
|ID|ID of the tag which is generated automatically when the tag is created|
|Category|categories which are selected on the editing page|
|Title|the name of the tag|
|Amount of published related contents|the number of published topics which have the tag|
|Amount of related contents|total number of topics which have the tag|
|Last update| latest date & time which the tag has been updated|
|Sort|Items are displayed from biggest to smallest number. To change the order, input the number and press [Change order] button at the bottom.|
Batch process
Check the checkbox of desired tags and click any of [Publish],[Unpublish] and [Delete] buttons. The list will be updated accordingly.
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