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Headless CMS for Jamstack

· 4 min read

An overview on how a headless CMS can be used for a Jamstack projects

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Do I Really Need a Headless CMS for My Jamstack Project?
  • Key Benefits of a Headless CMS for Jamstack
  • Which Headless CMS Should I Choose?
  • Kuroco, the Enterprise Headless CMS


As a relatively new technology stack, Jamstack projects inherently require some technical knowledge to get up and running. In the beginning, it was mainly full-stack or frontend developers making use of Jamstack to publish their own blogs and personal websites, without having to maintain a complicated backend or manage their own servers.

As the Jamstack ecosystem has grown over the years and become more mainstream, larger enterprises are now making use of this technology. As with any web technology used by businesses, this means that content creation is very important, with non-technical content creators and marketers being key stakeholders.

The easiest way to open up your Jamstack project for content creators is by using a headless CMS.

Do I Really Need a Headless CMS for My Jamstack Project?

The simple answer is that no, you do not necessarily need a headless CMS, particularly if your project is very small (ex. only a few pages). However, if you have any non-technical writers who will be managing content regularly, then a headless CMS is highly recommended - as without it they will need to edit the source files directly (assuming they even have access to that).

Key Benefits of a Headless CMS for Jamstack

  • Ease of use: For non-technical users, the headless CMS provides an easy to understand interface, making creation and editing of their content a breeze. The alternative is to have them login to the Git-based repository where the source files are located, and push any changes they make to those files (a situation that would likely result in confusion, or worse, if they accidentally push any breaking changes).

  • Security: As mentioned above, giving non-technical users access to source files in the repository is rarely a good idea. Even if they understand which files to edit, accidents could happen - and the more people who access to source files, the more likely that security vulnerabilities could be exploited.

  • Improved content creation workflows: With a headless CMS, the content creation is decoupled from the site's development. Writers can produce content in the CMS, without having to create changes directly in the source files (which would have to be reviewed and deployed each time by the developer/webmaster).

Which Headless CMS Should I Choose?

There are many 'headless' CMS options available on the market today, catering to different needs and budgets. For Jamstack projects, a headless CMS that is easily configurable is recommended (not all headless CMS are focused on Jamstack).

In terms of free options, most static site generators have headless CMSs available, but tend to target the lower end of the market, i.e. smaller projects that do not require much in the way of role-based permissions or team collaboration.

Kuroco, the Enterprise Headless CMS

For Jamstack projects in the enterprise space, we hope you will give Kuroco a try - particularly if your business is focused on having a robust API management strategy for multiple frontends. Our headless CMS comes with all the features you will need to get your Jamstack project up and running, and can be used by technical and non-technical users alike.

You can get started today and test it out for free, or feel free to reach out to our customer support team if you have any questions!