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List of available variables in the Message template

You can use variables in the Message template field to retrieve dynamic data for each user.

Image from Gyazo

Different variables are available depending on the template. The following is a list of variables that can be used in the Message template slug.

Image from Gyazo



$apply_dateRequest date.
$apply_member_nmName of requester.
$publish_ymdhiDate and time of approval.
$commentNote or comment about the update.
$ext_columnsExtended columns in the target module.
$apply_diffDifferences between existing, new, and rejected requests.
$linkURL link to the request data.
$titleTitle of the request data.
$onetime_linkTemporary URL for update permissions preview.
$site_urlSite URI.
$module_dataDetails about the new and rejected modules.


$apply_member_nmName of requester.
$apply_dateRequest date.
$apply_commentNote or comment about the request.
$approve_member_nmName of the requester with the latest approved data.
$approve_dateRequest date for the latest approved data.
$approve_commentNote or comment about the latest approved data
$publish_ymdhiDate and time of approval.
$linkURL link of the request data.
$titleTitle of the request data.
$draft_detailDraft details about the request data.
$site_uriSite URI.
$module_dataDetails about new and rejected modules.



Message sent N days before the payment deadline if the convenience store (konbini) payment has not been received.

$orderInformation about the order.
$orderDetailsDetails of the order.
$productsProducts ordered and corresponding product information.


By default, users will receive the paid membership expiration e-mail notification 1 month (30 days) before their membership expires.

$name1Registered family name of the user.
$name2Registered given name of the user.
$emailRegistered e-mail address of the user.
$product_contentList of products ordered.
$inquiry_urlURL of the inquiry page.
$from_nameTitle of the site.


Users will receive this notification when they cancel their premium membership.

$name1Registered family name of the user.
$name2Registered given name of the user.
$emailRegistered e-mail address of the user.
$product_contentList of canceled orders.
$inquiry_urlURL of the inquiry page.
$from_nameTitle of the site.


Guests (i.e., logged-out users) will receive this e-mail when products are shipped from the sales/delivery management screen.

$name1Registered family name of the user.
$name2Registered given name of the user.
$emailRegistered e-mail address of the user.
$product_contentList of products ordered.
$inquiry_urlURL of the inquiry page.
$from_nameTitle of the site.


Members (i.e., logged-in users) will receive this e-mail when products are shipped from the sales/delivery management screen.

$name1Registered family name of the user.
$name2Registered given name of the user.
$emailRegistered e-mail address of the user.
$product_contentList of products ordered.
$order_history_urlURL of the user's order history.
$inquiry_urlURL of the inquiry page.
$from_nameTitle of the site.



Administrators will receive this notification if the ZIP password is empty when a user sends an inquiry.

$inquiryHeaderHeader information of the inquiry form.
$inquiryHeader.inquiry_nameTitle of the inquiry form.
$inquiry_idUnique ID of the inquiry form.
$parent_inquiry_bn_idUnique ID of the parent inquiry.
$inquiry_bn_idUnique ID of the inquiry.


Administrators will receive this notification if the ZIP password is valid when a user sends an inquiry.

$file_flgFile flag. This value is set to 1 if there is an attachment, and 0 otherwise.
$inquiryHeaderHeader information of the inquiry form.
$inquiryHeader.inquiry_nameTitle of the inquiry form.
$inquiryHeader.contact_flgThe options for the "mail address" field of the inquiry form settings are: don't notify, notify, and notify all. If you specify notify all (INQUIRY_CONTACT_ALL), the form input will be included in the notification e-mail.
$inquiry_idUnique ID of the inquiry form.
$parent_inquiry_bn_idUnique IDs of the main inquiry subdivision.
$inquiry_bn_idUnique ID of the inquiry.
$itemsUser inquiry information. Displayed as an array with the inquiry items as keys and the responses to the items as values.



Notification sent when the password reminder and the login/reminder API are executed.

$urlURL of the password settings screen.
$nameName of the user.
$login_idLogin ID of the user.
$EmailE-mail address of the user.
$temp_pwdTemporary password.
$tokenAuthentication token (configured in the URL parameters).
$name1Family name of the user (configured in the login/reminder API).
$name2Given name of the user (configured in the login/reminder API).
$memberTarget member information (configured in the login/reminder API).


Login notification e-mail.

$rowUser information.
$row.name1Family name of the user.
$row.login_idLogin ID of the user.
$row.emailE-mail address of the user.


Notification sent when the password is changed.

$nameName of the user.
$name1Family name of the user.
$name2Given name of the user.
$emailE-mail address of the user.
$memberMember information for the user.



Notification sent when an invitee receives a member registration invite dispatched via the management screen.

$keyAuthentication token.
$name1Family name of the invitee.
$name2Given name of the invitee.
$messageMessage from the invitee.
$register_urlURL of the user registration screen.
$basic_auth_idBasic authentication username (for applicable sites).
$basic_auth_pwdBasic authentication password (for applicable sites).


Notification sent when users register as temporary members via the member/invite API.

$ext_infoExtended information configured in the API.
$emailE-mail address of the temporary member.
$preregist_keyAuthentication token (configured in the URL parameters).


Users will receive this notification one month before their login ID expires.

$name1Family name of the user.
$name2Given name of the user.


Users will receive this e-mail after registering as members.


Different variables are available in this template depending on the registration method.

Registration via the management screen

$nameName of the user.
$name1Family name of the user.
$name2Given name of the user.
$emailE-mail address of the user.

Registration via API

$to_nameFamily name of the user.
$nameName of the user.
$name1Family name of the user.
$name2Given name of the user.
$emailE-mail address of the user.
$dataUser form data.
$form_dataUser form data.
$member_idMember ID of the user.
$passwordUser password (hidden).
$site_titleTitle of the site.
$site_urlSite URL.
$preregist_keyTemporary registration key.


Invitation senders will receive this notification when their invitees register as members.

$nameName of the member.
$emailE-mail address of the member.
$friend_nmName of the invitation sender.
$site_titleTitle of the site.
$site_urlSite URL.


Users will receive this notification after they terminate their membership.

$to_nameFamily name of the member.
$nameName of the member.
$name1Family name of the member.
$name2Given name of the member.
$emailE-mail address of the member.
$site_titleTitle of the site.
$site_urlSite URL.


Members will receive this notification after they update their information.

$nameName of the member.
$name1Family name of the member.
$name2Given name of the member.
$emailE-mail address of the member.
$passwordLogin password of the member.
$arrGroup_nmList of user groups the member belongs to.
$form_dataUser form data.
$memberExtensionColumnsExtended information about the member.
$original_dataMember information before the update.
$column_diffDifferences in member information before and after the update.


Administrators will receive this notification when a member's information has been updated.

$nameName of the member.
$name1Family name of the member.
$name2Given name of the member.
$emailE-mail address of the member.
$passwordLogin password of the member.
$arrGroup_nmList of user groups the member belongs to.
$form_dataUser form data.
$memberExtensionColumnsExtended information about the member.
$original_dataMember information before the update.
$column_diffDifferences in member information before and after the update.


This notification will be sent as a reply to the blank email sent upon membership registration.

$seAuthentication token (configured in the URL parameters).
$refAuthentication token (configured in the URL parameters).


Administrators will receive this notification when a user registers as a member.

$nameName of the member.
$name1Family name of the member.
$name2Given name of the member.
$emailE-mail address of the member.
$passwordLogin password of the member.
$arrGroup_nmList of user groups the member belongs to.
$form_dataUser form data.
$memberExtensionColumnsExtended information about the member.

Administrators will receive this notification 1 month (30 days) and 3 months (90 days) before the site expires.

$siteSite information.
$site.name1Family name registered on the site account.
$site.name2Given name registered on the site account.
$site.site_nmName of the site.
$site.site_urlFront-end host name.
$site.mng_urlAdministration site host name.
$site.cant_login_ymdExpiration date of the site.
$monthNumber of months until expiration date.

Notification sent when a content is favorited. To enable this notification, check the "Favorite function e-mail notification" box on the site settings screen.

$bookmark_dateDate the bookmark was added.
$dataInformation about the favorited content. data_title indicates the content title, and data_id the content ID.

One-time registration


Invitees will receive this notification when the invitation sender issues a one-time membership.

$memberInfoMember information for the user.
$messageMessage from the account issuer.
$memberInfo.login_idUser account ID (login ID).
$memberInfo.login_pwdUser login password.
$memberInfo.expireExpiration date of the one-time account.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.