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Changing the processing content of RCMS Date format

The behavior of the RCMS Date format in the output convert list was to execute the pg_dateformat2 function, but this will be changed to the behavior of the pg_dateformat function.
Additionally, we will change the name of the process to Locale Date Format

If you still want to use the pg_dateformat2 function, you can specify the processing by setting a constant.

Changes in output

The behavior of converting the date and time to the text "H:i:s (updated seconds ago)" in HTML format when the time is within 24 hours will be removed.

If you want to continue using the pg_dateformat2 function

If you want to continue using the pg_dateformat2 function in the output conversion of Locale Date Format (formerly RCMS Date format), please add the following settings to the constants.

  • Value: 1

Image from Gyazo

Planned Date for Endpoint Addition

RC: Around July 27, 2024
Stable: Mid-October 2024

The specific date and time for the official version cannot be chosen by the user.
By switching to the RC version, you can verify the functionality at any desired timing.


If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Kuroco Support.


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