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KurocoFront Settings

In KurocoFront settings, you can clear the cache of the front-end deployed in KurocoFront.

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [KurocoFront] -> [KurocoFront Settings].

Image from Gyazo

Item descriptions

Image from Gyazo

CacheClick [Clear cache] to clear the cache of the front-end deployed in KurocoFront.
TokenYou can add or delete tokens used for deploying by sending a webhook to Kuroco.
Can I deploy to KurocoFront without using GitHub?
Delete history that is 90 days old or olderWhen enabled, old history saved in KurocoFront will be automatically deleted.
The items to be deleted also include preview deployments.
KurocoFront HistoryDisplays the deployment history to KurocoFront.


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