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API Error Response


This document summarizes the list of validation errors that can be set in content definitions. Each response includes the following fields: code, message, and field.

  • code: A string representing the error type code (e.g., invalid for invalid request parameters)
  • message: Standard error message for Kuroco
  • field: The request parameter where the error occurred; not outputted for general errors

This reference contains validation errors set in content definitions. If there is a problem with the request, a different error will occur.

List of Validation Errors


ConditionHTTP StatusCodeMessage
Required Check400requiredxxx is required.


ConditionHTTP StatusCodeFieldMessage
Input Restriction (E-mail)400invalidext_xInvalid Text Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Phone Number)400invalidext_xInvalid Text Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Postal Code)400invalidext_xInvalid Text Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (URL)400invalidext_xInvalid Title. Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Number)400invalidext_xInvalid Title. Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Regular Expression)400invalidext_xInvalid Title. Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Minimum Character Count)400invalidext_xTitle should be {1} characters or more.
Input Restriction (Maximum Character Count)400invalidext_xPlease input Title within {5} characters.

Single-line text

ConditionHTTP StatusCodeFieldMessage
Input Restriction (E-mail)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name]. Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Phone Number)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name]. Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Postal Code)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name]. Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (URL)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name]. Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Number)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name]. Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Regular Expression)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name]. Please enter in a {1} format.
Input Restriction (Minimum Character Count)400invalidext_x[item name] should be {1}(min characters) characters or more.
Input Restriction (Maximum Character Count)400invalidext_xPlease input [item name] within {5}(max characters) characters.

Image (uploaded to KurocoFiles)

ConditionHTTP StatusCodeFieldMessage
Input restriction (file extension)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name][File name]
Input restriction (file size limit)400invalidext_x[Item name] Could not upload: the file size is too big

File (uploaded to KurocoFiles)

ConditionHTTP StatusCodeFieldMessage
Input restriction (file extension)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name][File name]
Input restriction (file size limit)400invalidext_x[Item name] Could not upload: the file size is too big

File (uploaded to GCS)

ConditionHTTP StatusCodeFieldMessage
Input restriction (file extension)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name][File name]

File (uploaded to S3)

ConditionHTTP StatusCodeFieldMessage
Input restriction (file extension)400invalidext_xInvalid [item name][File name]

Error Response Sample

The error response sample for when the subject is empty or not specified in the content addition API is as follows:

"errors": [
"code": "invalid",
"message": "Title is required.",
"field": "subject"
"x-rcms-request-id": "280496b2-8b45-4a9a-8a21-678feb77e2ff"
  • If the error is specific to a certain field, the field will contain the name of the target field.


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