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Activity settings

The activity settings list displays a list of activity settings.

Activity settings

The activity module consists of comment, favorite (commonly used to implement a "like" action), and Firestore action types. The relationship between the activity settings and the activity list is similar to the relationship between the content structure and the content list.

On this screen, you can configure settings that will only be applied to the specified modules, such as allowing general users to post comments in the content module but not in the member module.

Activity settings list

In the left sidebar menu, click [Activity settings].

Image from Gyazo

Item descriptions

Image from Gyazo

Search You can search the existing activities by applying different filters.
StatusIndicates if the corresponding activity settings are active.
IDUnique ID of the activities (automatically generated).
Module      You can enable activities on the following modules:
  • Content
  • Activity
  • Member
  • Tag
  • Master
  • EC
  • Firebase Firestore
TitleTitle of the corresponding activity settings.
ActivityNumber of items in this activity. Clicking a number redirects to the corresponding activity list screen.
Updated onDate and time of last update to the corresponding activity settings.

Batch actions

Image from Gyazo

You can perform the following batch actions by selecting multiple activity settings using the checkboxes in the left-most column.

EnableActivates the selected records.
DisableInactivates the selected records. Users will not be able to post comments under the corresponding settings.

Activity settings editor

You can access the editor screen for the activity settings in one of two ways:

  • To create a new record, click [Add] in the upper right corner.
  • To edit an existing record, click its title.

Image from Gyazo

Item descriptions for non-Firestore modules (e.g., content)

Image from Gyazo

Module            Module that the corresponding activity settings belong to:
  • Content
  • Activity
  • Member
  • Tag
  • Master
  • EC
  • Firebase Firestore
TitleTitle of the corresponding activity settings. Specifying a title helps differentiate among multiple settings within the same module.
StatusIndicates if the corresponding activity settings are active.
API request restriction
  • View restriction: Sets the user groups allowed to view the posted comments.
  • Posting restriction: Sets the user groups that require approval to post comments.
HierarchyEnabling this option allows users to post comments under an existing comment.

Item descriptions for Firebase Firestore

The Firebase Firestore activity settings contain two additional items compared to other modules.

Image from Gyazo

Firebase Firestore Collection NameName of the Firestore collection.                                                            
Firebase Firestore Collection Column NameList of columns from the Firestore collection to be included. Enter each column name on a new line.


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