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List of Constants Available in Kuroco

Constants can be called using the syntax $smarty.const.[constant name]. Some constants can be modified by adding constant settings. For more information, refer to Constants.

List of Constants

Constant NameDescription
SITE_TITLESite title. Can be set in the site management page.
SITE_KEYSite key specified at registration
ROOT_URLURL of Kuroco front-end
ROOT_MNG_URLURL of Kuroco management interface
ROOT_IMG_URLURL of Kuroco Files
S3BUCKETBucket name of the configured S3
S3BUCKET_DOMAINDomain of the configured S3 region
SITE_EMAILAdministrator email. Can be set in the site management page.
INQUIRY_OPERATE_LIMIT_TYPE_NONEConstant indicating that there are no access restrictions for the inquiry management page
INQUIRY_OPERATE_LIMIT_TYPE_GROUPConstant indicating that there are access restrictions for the inquiry management page
INQUIRY_OPERATE_LIMIT_TYPE_OWNCONTENTSConstant indicating that only inquiries from content registered by logged-in users can be operated
INQUIRY_TEXT_FORMATInteger value indicating that the inquiry item type is "short text up to 100 characters"
INQUIRY_TEXT_AREA_FORMATInteger value indicating that the inquiry item type is "long text up to 400 characters"
INQUIRY_RADIO_BUTTON_FORMATInteger value indicating that the inquiry item type is "single selection (radio button)"
INQUIRY_SELECT_BOX_FORMATInteger value indicating that the inquiry item type is "single selection (select box)"
INQUIRY_CHECK_BOX_FORMATInteger value indicating that the inquiry item type is "multiple selection (select box)"
INQUIRY_DATE_FORMATInteger value indicating that the inquiry item type is "date"
INQUIRY_FILE_FORMATInteger value indicating that the inquiry item type is "file"
INQUIRY_MATRIX_FORMATInteger value indicating that the inquiry item type is "matrix"
INQUIRY_FILE_GCS_FORMATInteger value representing the type of inquiry item as "GCS File"
INQUIRY_FILE_S3_FORMATInteger value representing the type of inquiry item as "S3 File"
GROUP_POLICY_ALLOWInteger value representing the group's member information access policy as "Unrestricted"
GROUP_POLICY_DENYInteger value representing the group's member information access policy as "Restricted"
COMMENT_STATUS_RUNInteger value representing the status of a comment as "Running"
COMMENT_STATUS_STOPInteger value representing the status of a comment as "Stopped"
MAGAZINE_RUNInteger value representing the status of delivery as "Running"
MAGAZINE_STOPInteger value representing the status of delivery as "Stopped"
MEMBER_CSV_OUTPUT_OFFSETNumber of rows per file in the downloaded CSV
EC_POINT_STATUS_FIXEDInteger value representing the status of a point as "Fixed"
EC_POINT_STATUS_TEMPInteger value representing the status of a point as "Unfixed"
EC_POINT_STATUS_EXPIREDInteger value representing the status of a point as "Expired"
EC_EXT_GROUP_LOOPInteger value representing the number of SKU extension items
EC_PAYMENTMETHOD_CREDIT_CARDInteger value indicating that the payment method is "credit card"
EC_PAYMENTMETHOD_CONVENIENCE_STOREInteger value indicating that the payment method is "convenience store payment"
EC_PAYMENTMETHOD_MONTHLYInteger value indicating that the payment method is "monthly card"
EC_PAYMENTMETHOD_AMAZON_PAYMENT_MONTHLYInteger value indicating that the payment method is "Amazon payment (monthly)"
EC_PAYMENTMETHOD_PAY_EASYInteger value indicating that the payment method is "ATM payment (Pay-easy)"
EC_PAYMENTMETHOD_SP_CAREER_SBInteger value indicating that the payment method is "SP carrier continuous payment"
EC_WITHDRAW_ON_PURCHASEInteger value representing the payment option as "Monthly Payment + On Purchase"
EC_SERIAL_CODE_GROUP_TYPE_FREE_CODEValue indicating that the coupon value type for EC serial codes is set to "Free Code"
EC_SERIAL_CODE_GROUP_TYPE_DISCOUNT_CODEValue indicating that the coupon value type for EC serial codes is set to "Discount Code"
EC_SERIAL_CODE_DISCOUNT_AMOUNTValue indicating that the type of coupon value for the EC serial code is "discount amount"
EC_SERIAL_CODE_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGEValue indicating that the type of coupon value for the EC serial code is "%"
EC_CONVENI_TYPE_SEVENELEVENConstant indicating that the convenience store is "Seven Eleven"
EC_CONVENI_TYPE_LAWSONAn integer value indicating that the convenience store is "Lawson".
EC_CONVENI_TYPE_FAMIMAAn integer value indicating that the convenience store is "FamilyMart".
EC_CONVENI_TYPE_SEICOMARTAn integer value indicating that the convenience store is "Seicomart".
EC_CONVENI_TYPE_CIRCLEK_SUNKUSAn integer value indicating that the convenience store is "Circle K Sunkus".
EC_CONVENI_TYPE_MINISTOPAn integer value indicating that the convenience store is "Ministop".
EC_CONVENI_TYPE_YAMAZAKIAn integer value indicating that the convenience store is "Daily Yamazaki".
EC_SPCAREER_TYPE_DOCOMOAn integer value indicating that the career is "docomo".
EC_SPCAREER_TYPE_AUAn integer value indicating that the career is "au".
EC_SPCAREER_TYPE_SOFTBANKAn integer value indicating that the career is "SoftBank".
EC_EXT_TYPE_TEXTAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "text".
EC_EXT_TYPE_TEXT_AREAAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "text area".
EC_EXT_TYPE_WYSIWYGAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "Wysiwyg".
EC_EXT_TYPE_SELECT_BOXAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "selection".
EC_EXT_TYPE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE_CHECKBOXAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "multiple choice (checkbox)".
EC_EXT_TYPE_IMAGEAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "image".
EC_EXT_TYPE_LINKAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "link".
EC_EXT_TYPE_DATEAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "date format".
EC_EXT_TYPE_TDFKAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "prefecture".
EC_EXT_TYPE_FILEAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "file".
EC_EXT_TYPE_HTMLAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "html".
EC_EXT_TYPE_FILEMANGERAn integer value indicating that the type of EC extended item is "file manager".
EC_EXT_TYPE_GCSFILEInteger value indicating that the type of EC extension item is "GCS file"
DEFAULT_OPEN_TYPEInitial value of the public setting in the content editing page
Initial value of the public setting in non-content editing pages
* By default, it is set to "open" and can be changed through constant settings.
DEFAULT_OPEN_TYPE2Initial value of the public setting in the content editing page
OPEN_TIME_OPTION_INTERVALInterval between selectable times in the public setting
LOGIN_URL_FOR_LTDURL of the login page to which the user is redirected when accessing restricted files without logging in
APPROVALFLOW_APPROVAL_STATUS_1Integer value indicating that the approval status of the content in the approval workflow is "Pending"
APPROVALFLOW_APPROVAL_STATUS_2Integer value indicating that the approval status of the content in the approval workflow is "Waiting for Approval"
APPROVALFLOW_APPROVAL_ALERT_TIMETime of sending the approval pending alert in the approval workflow
MAGAZINE_MAIL_UNSENTInteger value indicating that the status of the delivery email is "Pending"
MAGAZINE_MAIL_SENDINGInteger value indicating that the status of the delivery email is "Sending"
MAGAZINE_MAIL_SENTInteger value indicating that the status of the delivery email is "Sent"
MAGAZINE_MAIL_ROUGHInteger value indicating that the status of the delivery email is "Draft"
BATCH_TYPE_EVERYDAYAn integer value indicating that the type of batch processing is "every day".
BATCH_STATUS_UNDONEInteger value indicating that the status of the batch process is "Not Started"
BATCH_STATUS_DISABLEInteger value indicating that the status of the batch process is "Disabled"
BATCH_TYPE_TEMPLATEAn integer value indicating that the type of batch processing is "batch template".
APPROVALFLOW_MEMBER_TYPE_1Integer value indicating that the approval workflow member type is "Group"
APPROVALFLOW_MEMBER_TYPE_2Integer value indicating that the approval workflow member type is "Member"
LOGIN_INFOLogin page message
RCMS_DATEFORMATDate format setting.
RCMS_CURRENCYCurrency Unit Used
TAG_MAX_EXTENSIONMaximum number of tag extensions
TOPICS_CONTENTS_TYPE_CNTMaximum number of categories that can be set for a content
TOPICS_MAX_EXTENSIONMaximum number of extensions that can be set for a content
TOPICS_EXT_GROUP_LOOPMaximum number of repetitions for content's extension items
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_GCSFILEInteger value representing that the extension type of an article is "GCS file"
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_TEXTInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Text" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_AUTOCOMPLETEInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Text (autocomplete)" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_SELECT_BOXInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Selection format" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_TEXT_AREAInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Text area" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE_CHECKBOXInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Multiple choice (checkbox)" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_CSVTABLEInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Master format" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_RELATIONInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Related information selection" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_DATEInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Date format" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_WYSIWYGInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Wysiwyg" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_IMAGEInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Image" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_LINKInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Link" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_FILEInteger value that represents an article extension item of "File" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_TABLEInteger value that represents an article extension item of "Table format" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_LOCATIONInteger value representing that the extension type of an article is "Location"
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_HTMLInteger value that represents an article extension item of "HTML" type
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_S3FILEInteger value representing that the extension type of an article is "S3 file"
TOPICS_EXT_TYPE_FILEMANGERInteger value that represents an article extension item of "File manager" type
RCMS_DEFAULT_TOPICS_MAX_EXTENSIONInteger that represents the upper limit (default value) of the number of article extension items. If you set it separately for each site, use TOPICS_MAX_EXTENSION instead of this variable.
RCMS_DEFAULT_MEMBER_MAX_EXTENSIONInteger that represents the upper limit (default value) of the number of member extension items.
GEO_REGIONFastly region
*Only accessible through API calls
GEO_COUNTRY_CODEFastly country code
*Only accessible through API calls
GEO_CONN_SPEEDFastly connection speed
*Only accessible through API calls
OEM_CURRENCYCurrency unit used
*Only accessible in dashboard widgets
RCMS_SESSION_GC_MAXLIFETIMETime duration until automatic logout after accessing while logged in


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