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Group upload

The group upload screen enables you to configure and update groups by uploading a CSV file.

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [Member] -> [Group].

Image from Gyazo

On the group list screen, click the [Group] link above the page title and select [Upload] in the dropdown menu.

Image from Gyazo

Item descriptions

Image from Gyazo

File settings (group)Upload a CSV file containing the desired group settings. You can obtain a blank template file by clicking the [Download sample] link next to it.
  • Add a new group: Leave the group ID field blank.
  • Update an existing group: Fill in the correct group ID with the updated group information.
  • Delete an existing group: Set the delete flag value to 1.
File settings (member)Upload a CSV file containing the desired group membership information. You can obtain a blank template file by clicking the [Download sample] link next to it.
  • Add a member to a group: Fill in the correct group ID and member ID, and set the delete flag to 0.
  • Delete a member from a group: Fill in the correct group ID and member ID, and set the delete flag to 1.
CharsetCharacter encoding of the uploaded CSV file.

File settings (Group) Behavior

  • Add New: If the group ID is empty, a new entry will be added.
  • Update: If the group ID exists, the entry will be updated.
  • Delete: If the group ID is specified and the delete flag is set to 1, the entry will be deleted.

File settings (Member) Behavior

  • Add: If the group ID and member ID are specified and the delete flag is set to 0, the member will be added to the group.
  • Delete: If the group ID and member ID are specified and the delete flag is set to 1, the member will be removed from the group.


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