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Deploying the data source from GitHub to KurocoFront

This tutorial explains how to deploy data sources from GitHub to KurocoFront.

Deploy to KurocoFront

1. Prepare a GitHub repository

In GitHub, prepare the repository that you want to deploy to KurocoFront.

Image (fetched from Gyazo)


Since only static files can be hosted, the repository must contain only JavaScript framework such as Nuxt.js and media files such as HTML/CSS/JS files and images. The screenshot above shows a Nuxt.js repository.

In the left sidebar menu of Kuroco's admin panel, select [KurocoFront] -> [GitHub]. Then, on the KurocoFront screen, click [Authorize GitHub Repository].

Image from Gyazo You will be asked to log in to GitHub.

Image (fetched from Gyazo) Your GitHub account page will be displayed after logging in.

Image (fetched from Gyazo) Under "Repository access", select the repository you want to link with KurocoFront.

Image (fetched from Gyazo)


You can change your repository link settings afterwards. If you have multiple Kuroco projects on one account, select all the target repositories here.


Please note that you can only link repositories for which you have admin privileges in.

After you have selected your repository, click [Save].

Image (fetched from Gyazo) Log in to Kuroco again.

Image (fetched from Gyazo) After the connection has been established, you will be redirected to the KurocoFront page.

fetched from Gyazo The connection between GitHub repository and KurocoFront is completed.

3. Create kuroco_front.json

In order to use KurocoFront, kuroco_front.json need to be placed under the root directory.
Note: Create kuroco_front.json under /static folder if using Nuxt.js.

"rewrites": [
"source": ".*",
"destination": "/index.html"
"redirects": [],

Reference: What is kuroco_front.json?

Note: You can use the URL rewrite process, basic authentication, and IP address access restriction for kuroco_front.json. The password of BASIC authentication is a plain text. Be careful when you change the repository to public.

4. Place YAML file under .github/workflows

To use GitHub action, place the YAML file under .github/workflows.
Copy the part in KurocoFront's page shown below and create build.yml. Build command, branch name, etc. can be modified accordingly to suit your needs. fetched from Gyazo Place the created build.yml under .github/workflows to complete the configuration.


If the version of the action listed in the YAML file is out of date, an error may be displayed.
To learn how to automatically update your version of the action, see: Is there a way to keep GitHub Actions workflow actions up to date?

5. Deploy GithubActions

The created build.yml will work as soon as it is uploaded to Github.
We will confirm that the GitHub Actions is working by pushing an update to Github.

Execute the following command to push the update to Github.

git add .
git commit -m "ops: provide kuroco deployment"
git push

Go to the Github repository screen and click [Actions].
Image from Gyazo

You can confirm that the Github Actions has started to run.
Image from Gyazo

After waiting for a while, the Github Actions operation will be completed.
Image from Gyazo

6. Display the front page

Click [Top page] button on the side menu.
Image (fetched from Gyazo) If the site is displayed without any issue, the deployment is complete.

Preview deployment on KurocoFront

In addition to normal deployments, KurocoFront allows for temporary deployments that work as a preview function.

When a reviewer wants to merge a GitHub pull request, they have to checkout/build the pull request on their local machine to verify and review the changes, which is inconvenient.
For this reason, it would be useful if the source code of the pull request could be built/deployed on a temporary URL (preview deployment) so that anyone can check the pull request artifact in a browser.

The build.yml has a pre-scripted preview deployment that will pre-deploy when a specific comment is made in the pull request.
If you have followed the normal deployment procedure above, no changes to the file are necessary.

Preview deployment steps

Creating a pull request for testing

Create an empty file for a pull request to confirm the operation.

git checkout -b preview_deploy
touch test.txt
git add .
git commit -m "chore: tmp"
git push --set-upstream origin preview_deploy

Go to the Github repository page and click [Pull requests], then click [New pull request].
Image from Gyazo

Click [compare: ***], select [preview_deploy], and click [Create pull request].
Image from Gyazo

Click [Create pull request].
Image from Gyazo

A pull request will be created. Image from Gyazo

Preview deploy

Enter /kuroco stage in the comment field at the bottom of the pull request screen and click [Comment].
Image from Gyazo

After confirming that the comment has been made, click on the Actions tab and you will see that Github Actions has responded to the /kuroco stage comment and started the preview deployment.
Image from Gyazo

If you return to the pull request screen and refresh the screen a short while later, you will see that the preview deploy comment has been added along with a link to the temporary URL.
Image from Gyazo

Access the temporary URL link and confirm that the contents of the pull request have been deployed.
Image from Gyazo


If a CORS error occurs when accessing the temporary URL issued in the preview deploy, specify a wildcard to allow access from the temporary URL.
Since a temporary URL is issued as, You can avoid CORS errors by specifying https://*
Image from Gyazo

Regarding the domain

KurocoFront's domain format is by default.
Refer to Using your own custom domain name on KurocoFront to learn more about the custom domains.


  • You can check the display status, etc. via KurocoFront Log
  • If you don't know how to setup GitHub Actions, feel free to contact us via Support Slack.
  • Please note that the site will not be displayed without kuroco_front.json.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.