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Creating content structure

What is a content structure?

Content structure is a form with a customized template that is used for posting contents. Various content structure can be created, such as "Blog" or "Notice". Each content structure can have its own set of custom input fields.

Creating a content

In the following example, we will create a content for "Notice".

1. Access the content structure page

Click [Content structure].
Image from Gyazo

In the content structure list page, click the [Add] button located at the top right of the screen.

Image from Gyazo

The content structure editor page will be displayed.

Image from Gyazo

2. Set content structure details

Set the content structure details as shown below:

  • Group Name: Notice
  • Description: Notice topic group

Image from Gyazo

3. Adding a field

To add a field, click on [Add item] in the [Field settings].

Image from Gyazo

The new field is displayed.

Image from Gyazo

Set up a new field as follows:

  • Item name: Image
  • Item setting: Image(Upload to KurocoFiles)

Image from Gyazo

This concludes the setup of the content structure.

4. Create the content structure

Click [Add] at the bottom of the page to create the content structure.

Image from Gyazo

The new "Notice" content structure will be created with a message indicating that the creation has been successful.

Check the created content definition

Next, let's check the newly created content structure. Select [Content Structure] from the global menu on the Kuroco management screen.

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The "Notice" content structure added earlier will be displayed in the content structure list.

Image from Gyazo

Creating content

To add a content to the "Notice" content structure, click [Add] for the "Notice" content structure in the content structure list.

Image from Gyazo

Content can then be created using the "Edit Notice" page.

Image from Gyazo


In the content structure, detailed settings such as access restrictions and validation are available.
Please refer to Content structure editor for more information.


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