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Adding a Custom Page to Kuroco Management using Admin panel plugin


Use a admin panel plugin to add a custom page to the Kuroco management interface. Utilize this for implementing processes or displays that cannot be handled in the provided Kuroco management interface.

This tutorial explains the process from introducing a sample project to setting up in the Kuroco management interface.

What You Will Learn

In the following steps, you will add a custom page to the Kuroco management interface.


To configure and develop Vue components for the Admin panel plugin, the following prerequisites are required:

  • Understanding basic npm command operations
  • Ability to develop components using Vue.js(v2.x)

Preparing Vue Plugin

Cloning the Sample Project

To quickly get started, the preparation of a sample project is available below.


First, clone this repository and navigate to the directory where the package for adding a custom page to the management interface is located.

git clone
cd management-vue-plugin-sample/packages/VueSample

Run the following command to install dependencies.

npm install

Updating Project Pages

Next, adjust the content displayed on the Kuroco management interface.

Open /management-vue-plugin-sample/packages/VueSample/src/pages/VueSample.vue in the package and update it as follows.

<div class="vue-sample">
<h1>Vue Sample</h1>
<li v-for="item in items" :key="item.topics_id">
<a :href="`/management/topics/topics_edit/?topics_id=${item.topics_id}`">{{ item.subject }}</a>

import Vue from 'vue';
window.rcmsJS.vue.registerVM(Vue, rcms_js_config.publicPath); // eslint-disable-line
const axios = require('axios').default;

export default {
components: {},
props: {
root_api_url: {
type: String,
default: '',
endpoint: {
type: String,
default: '',
created: function() {},
mounted: async function() {
const resp = await axios.get(this.root_api_url + this.endpoint);
this.items = ? : [];
data() {
return {
items: [],

computed: {},

<style scoped>
.vue-sample h1 {
font-size: 24px;
color: #007bff;
margin-bottom: 10px;

Building Components

When the update is complete, run the following commands to build the components:

npm run lint:fix
npm run build

After the build process is completed, the following files bundled by Webpack will be output in the /dist/ directory. The hash in the file names will have a different value each time it is built.


You can also run the build in the following ways:
Edit while running npm run watch: the source will be automatically built when it changes.

The preparation of the Vue plugin to be loaded into Kuroco is now complete.

Setting up the Kuroco Admin Panel

Preparing the API

The above Vue plugin sends a request to Kuroco's Topics::list endpoint to display a list of contents. If you do not have the endpoint ready for use in the Vue plugin, create the following endpoint:

For simplicity, we assume an endpoint without restrictions on API requests.

API Request LimitNo Limit
topics_group_idAny content definition without API request restrictions

Image from Gyazo

Saving Files

Make the generated files accessible from external sources. You can use any hosting service or storage for file placement, but in this case, upload the files to the following directory in the file manager:

  • /files/user/mng_vue_components/vue-sample/

Open the [File Manager] from the side menu, right-click on [KurocoFiles], and select "Create a new folder".

Image from Gyazo

Enter mng_vue_components as the folder name and click [OK] to save.

Image from Gyazo

Similarly, create a folder vue-sample under mng_vue_components.

Image from Gyazo

Save the 4 files created in Preparing the Vue Plugin in the vue-sample directory.

Image from Gyazo

Configuring the Admin panel plugin

Configure the files placed in the file manager to be loaded on the admin panel.

Click on [Environment Settings] -> [Admin Panel Plugins] to display the settings page.
Click [Add] to display the plugin editing modal.

Image from Gyazo

Enter the information as shown below and click [Add].

Image from Gyazo

Parent ItemChild ItemValueDescription
Plugin Name-Color Picker InputSpecify the name of the plugin.
SourceComponent NameVueSampleMatch the component name on the sample repository.
URL/files/user/mng_vue_components/vue-sampleEnter the URL where the component is located. If you change the path, edit the publicPath in rcms-js.config.js and align it with this item and the configuration.
If the file is located outside Kuroco, specify it in absolute URL format (https://**).
Manifest Keyvendors.*;VueSample.*Specify the manifest.json key of the files to be loaded in the following format.
TargetPage URI/sample/topics_list/Specify an arbitrary path of two or more levels.
If only one level is specified, it will redirect to /menu/menu/, so please be careful.
Specify the props to pass to the component.
Leave it blank if not needed.
Here, set the API domain and the URL of the endpoint to be used.
Please refer to List of Slots Available for Management Plugins for the props that can be passed to the management plugin.
Add to menu-Check the boxSpecify an arbitrary path in the Page URI and check the box to add a link to the side menu.

Confirmation of Display

Once the setup is complete, a link to the added Page URI will be displayed in the Kuroco admin panel's side menu.
Upon accessing it, a list of contents retrieved from the /rcms-api/1/topics endpoint and links to their editing screens will be displayed.

Image from Gyazo

With this, you have successfully created an arbitrary page in the Kuroco admin panel.
Please implement any management screen based on this sample.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.