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The master screen allows you to access, add to, and update the list of masters you have created.

Master list

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [Content] -> [Master].

Image from Gyazo

Item descriptions

Image from Gyazo

IDUnique ID of the master (automatically assigned).
TitleTitle of the master.
Updated onDate and time of the last update to the master.
SortSets the sort number of the master. After entering the numbers, click [Re-order] to sort the entries in descending numerical order.

Batch actions

Image from Gyazo

You can perform the following batch actions by selecting multiple tag categories using the checkboxes in the left-most column.

DeleteDeletes the selected entries.
Update sortingRe-sorts all entries in descending order based on sort number.

Master editor

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [Content] -> [Master].

Image from Gyazo

On the master list screen, click the title of the master you want to edit.

Image from Gyazo

Item descriptions

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TitleTitle of the master.
TableEnter your data manually using this table.
Update by CSVUploads a CSV file to update the table.
MemoUse this field to enter any notes/memos about the master.
Edit restrictionSets the editing restrictions on the master.

Approval workflow settings

It is displayed when the master is specified as content to be approved in the approval workflow.

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Item              Description                                          
Workflow              Select an approval workflow.                              
Approval date and timeSet the date and time when the approval will take effect.
TagSelect tags.
You can add using the [Add new tag] button, or add or delete on the Approval workflow tag List screen.

Other actions

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Update commentComment field for any changes made to the current master.
UpdateApplies any changes made in this editor.
Save as draftSaves the edited data as a draft without applying changes made.
DeleteDeletes the current master.


Click the [More] in the upper right corner of the Master editor screen, then click [Changelog] to see a list of the history of editing the master.

Image from Gyazo

Master changelog

Image from Gyazo

Item  Description  
VersionDisplays the version.
You can see the target version after clicking the version link.
Updated onDisplays the date and time the content was updated.
Updated byDisplays the name of the member who updated the content.
ActionDisplays the type of processing performed.
There are six types of statuses as follows
  • Create new
  • Update
  • Deleted
  • Request
  • Approved
  • Reject Approval
CommentDisplays the comments at the time of update.
ContentDisplays the updated contents.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.