The tracking screen enables you to view and track analytics for a selected notification.
Accessing the screen
In the left sidebar menu, select [Campaign] -> [Notification].
On the notification list screen, click the title you want to track.
Then, on the notification editor screen, click the "Tracking" tab.
Field | Description |
ID | Unique ID of the message (automatically generated). |
Subject | Subject line of the message. Clicking this redirects you to the Message editor screen. |
Recipients | Notification recipient(s). |
Sent | Total copies of the message that have been sent. |
Delivered | Number of message copies that have been successfully delivered to the receipients' inboxes. |
Bounce | Number of message copies that thave bounced (failed to be delivered). |
Open rate | Number (and percentage) of message copies opened by recipients. |
Click count | Number of times URL links in message copies have been clicked. If the message contains multiple links, the click count for each URL is listed separately. |
Delivery start time | Starting date and time of the message delivery. |
If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.