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Batch Template

With Batch Template, you can check, add, and update your custom batch processes.

Batch Template List

Accessing the screen

Click [Operations] -> [Batch Template].

Image from Gyazo

Item descriptions

Image from Gyazo

SearchSet conditions to search for batches.
IDDisplays the ID of the batch.
TitleDisplays the title of the batch.
IdentifierDisplays the set identifier.
TypeDisplays the execution type of the batch.
MemoDisplays the memo entered for the batch.

Bulk actions

Image from Gyazo

Check the checkbox at the left end of the list, and click [Delete] to perform bulk processing on the selected batches.

Batch template editor

Accessing the screen

Click [Operations] -> [Batch Template].

Image from Gyazo

Click on the [Title] of the batch process you want to edit on the Batch Template List page.

Image from Gyazo

Item descriptions

Image from Gyazo

TitleEnter a batch process title.
IdentifierIdentifier of the batch process.
TypeSelect the batch frequency or type.
Member IDEnter the member ID associated with this batch process.
MemoEnter any comments or memos about the batch process.
Component(s) usedFunctions or APIs used by the batch process.
Test dataEnter the $ext_data JSON data for testing.
ProcessScript for the batch process.


Image from Gyazo

UpdateApply all changes made in this editor.
DeleteDelete the current batch process.
TestExecute a test run of the current batch process.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.