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Implementing Reminder and Automatic Withdrawal Features for Members with No Login for a Certain Period


Using batch processing, we will implement reminder and automatic withdrawal features for members who have not logged in for a certain period.
Also, the feature to extend the expiration date when a member logs in will be implemented using custom processing triggered by "after login processing".

What you'll learn

We will implement reminder and automatic withdrawal features for members who have not logged in for a certain period using the following steps.


Members and groups to be used for testing will be added as necessary.


Set the expiration date for member login permission

The expiration date for member login permission will be automatically added by the custom processing that we will set up later, but for the purpose of testing, let's set it manually first.
Click [Member] -> [Member].

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On the member list page, click the gear icon in the top right corner of the table to open the "Display Settings" and add the "Login permission deadline" field.

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Click on the name of the member whose settings you want to change on the member list.

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Set the login permission expiry date.

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Confirm that the "Don't subscribe to notifications" is unchecked. Image from Gyazo

Similarly, set the login permission expiration date for the member used for testing as follows.

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Creating an API for internal processing

It is recommended to separate APIs that are only used internally within Kuroco. Therefore, first create a new API for internal use. If it has already been added, you can skip to the next step.

Creating an API

Click [Add] from the API section in the Kuroco admin panel.

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On the API editor, enter the following information and click "Add". Image from Gyazo

DescriptionAPI for internal use

The API has been created.

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Security settings

Next, configure the security settings. Click on [Security].

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Set the security to [Dynamic Access Token], then click [Save].

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After setting the security to [Dynamic Access Token], it is recommended to use the Login::token endpoint. However, if it is only used internally, you can ignore it.

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CORS settings

Next, configure the CORS settings. Click on [Operation CORS].

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Click [Add Origin] in CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS, and add the following:

  • Admin panel URL

Click [Add Method] in CORS_ALLOW_METHODS, and add the following:

  • GET
  • POST

Make sure that [Allow Credentials] is checked in CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS.

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If there are no issues, click [Save].

Implementation of Reminder Feature

The reminder function works in the following way:

  • Send a request to the endpoint by batch processing every day at 06:00.
  • The endpoint sends information on the message template identifier and custom member filter ID to the configured delivery ID.
  • The delivery sends the contents of the message template to the custom member filter.

Creating a Custom Member Filter

We set the recipients for the reminder email with a custom member filter.
Click [Member] -> [Custom Member Filter].

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Click [Add].

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Create the following filter:
The recipients of the reminder email are those whose expiration date is 30 days prior and less than 7 days.

TitleLogin permission expiry date reminding target members
FilterAs below

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Click [View result] to see if the members you expect will hit. If you have multiple conditions, check the test member's login permit manually and check it.

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If there is no problem, click [Add] to add a custom member filter.
The ID of the created custom menber filter will be used later, so make a note of it.

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Create notification

We use the notification function for sending reminder email.
Click [Campaign] -> [Notification].

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Click [Add].

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Enter as follows:

TitleReminder of login permission expiry
Other settingsas default

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  • Recipients will be set in the batch process later so you can leave it empty for now.
  • If you want to change the sender's email address, link your Kuroco site with Sendgrid referring to How to link Sendgrid.

After setting, click [Add] to add the notification and make a note for the notification ID.

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Create message template

We use message template to create the text of reminder message.
Click [Operation] > [Message template].

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Click [Add].

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Enter as follows:

Templatelogin permission expiry remind template
BodyAs below
Dear %name1% %name2% <br>
Your login permission will expire on %login_ok_ymd%.<br>
Please login before the expiry date.

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After setting, click [Add] to save the message template.

Create custom function

If you enter %name1% and %name2% in the notification message, you can display the name of the member of the destination, but if you want to add items that are not available by default such as %login_ok_ymd% or complicated processing, you need to use custom function.

Click [Operation] -> [Custom function].

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Click [Add].

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Enter as follows:

TitleNotification substitution
Used by component(s)Trigger:Notification substitution
value: ID of the notification(2)
ProcessEnter the code below
{assign_array var=substitutions values=''}
{assign var=substitutions.name1 value=$member_info.name1}
{assign var=substitutions.name2 value=$member_info.name2}
{assign var=substitutions.login_ok_ymd value=$member_info.login_ok_ymd|date_format:'Y-m-d'}

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After setting, click [Add] to save the custom function.

Create endpoint

Next, we create the endpoint.
Click [Add new endpoint] from the Internal API page.

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Create the following endpoint:

destination_idCustom member filter ID(1)
mail_template_nameIdentifier of the message template(expiration_remind_template)
subjectYour login permission is expiring soon

Image from Gyazo Image from Gyazo

After setting, click[Add] to add the endpoint.

Create batch process

We create a reminding function using batch process and send the reminder message to target members daily.
Click [Operation] -> [Batch process].

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Click [Add].

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Set as follows:

TitleSend reminder of login permission expiry
BatchEvery day 06:00
ProcessBelow code

Replace /rcms-api/4/expiration_remind/2 with your own endpoint.

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After setting, click [Add] to save the batch process.

Operation check

At last, click [Run now] to check the operation.

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If the settings are correct, below e-mail will be sent.

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Implementation of Automatic Withdrawal Feature

We create the automatic member delete function using batch process which checks for the existence of target members on a daily basis, and if the target members exist, deletes them using the Member::delete endpoint.

Creating a Custom Member Filter

We use the custom member filter to identify the target members.
Click [Member] -> [Custom Member Filter].

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Click [Add].

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Create the following filter:

Titletarget members of automatic deletion
FilterAs below

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Click [View result] to check the result and if there are no issues, click [Add] to save the custom member filter.

The ID of the created custom member filter will be used later so make a note of it.

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Create endpoints

Create two endpoints, one to return the list of members to be deleted, and one to delete members.
Click [Add new endpoint] from the Internal API page.

Image from Gyazo

Create 2 endpoints as follows:

delete_member_list endpoint

custom_search_idCustom member filter ID(3)

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After setting, click [Add] to save the endpoint settings.

expired_member_delete endpoint

We create the endpoint to delete the target members.

allowed_group_idsGroup ID in which target members belong(104)

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After setting, click [Add] to save the endpoint settings.

Create batch process

Next, we create a batch process.
Click [Operation] -> [Batch process].

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Click [Add].

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Set as follows:

TitleDelete members with expired login permission
BatchEvery day 05:00
ProcessBelow code
{*Get target members*}

{*Delete target members*}
{foreach from=$response.list item=n}
{assign var='target' value="/rcms-api/4/expired_member_delete/`$n.member_id`"}
{* member_id=1 -> admin user *}
{logger msg1="Delete `$n.name1``$n.name2`(member_id=`$n.member_id`)" msg2=$response}

Replace /rcms-api/4/delete_member_list and /rcms-api/4/expired_member_delete/ with your own endpoints.

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After entering above, click [Add] to save the batch process.

Operation check

At last, click [Run now] to check the operation.

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If the setting is correct, the log will remain in the custom log as follows and the members will be deleted.

Image from Gyazo

Implementation of the feature to extend the expiration date when a member logs in

Finally, we implement a function that automatically extends the expiration date of the login permission after logging in. Here, the custom process is performed after the member logging in, and the login_ok_ymd is updated at the Member::Update endpoint.

Create endpoint

Click [Add new endpoint] from the Internal API page.

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Create the following endpoint:


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Create custom function

Click [Operation] -> [Custom function].

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Click [Add].

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Enter as follows:

TitleExtend login permission expiry once logging in
Used by component(s)Trigger: After logging in
Value: 0
ProcessBelow code
{assign_member_detail assign_group_flg=1 var='member_detail' member_id=$member_id}

{* add extending 1y *}
{assign_array var="payload" keys="login_ok_ymd" values="1 year"|strtotime|date_format:"Y-m-d"}

"1"|rcms_in_array:$member_detail.arrGroup_id ||
{* skip execution when the user supposed to be administrator *}
{* member_id=1 -> admin user *}
{logger msg1="Update login_ok_ymd of `$member_detail.name1``$member_detail.name2`(member_id=`$member_id`)" msg2=$response}

Replace /rcms-api/4/member/update_login_ok_ymd with your own endpoint.

Image from Gyazo

Operation check

Finally, login with the target member's account to check the operation.

If the setting is correct, the log will remain in the custom log as follows and the login permission expiry is updated.
Image from Gyazo Image from Gyazo

With the above, we have implemented a reminding and automatic withdrawal function to members without login for a certain period of time.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.