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Google Analytics

The Google Analytics screen allows you to configure settings for integrating Google Analytics into your website.

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, under "SETTINGS", click [External system integration] -> [Google Analytics].

Image from Gyazo

Account information

Image from Gyazo

Google client IDOAuth 2.0 client ID that you created in the Google API Console.
Google client secretClient secret that you created in the Google API Console.
Google refresh tokenWhen the connection is complete, the refresh token will be displayed here.
ConnectClick [Connect] after you have entered your client ID and secret to go to the connection page.

Connection status

Upon successfully connecting to your Google Analytics account, you will be redirected to the analytics summary screen.

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Profile information

Select your web property ID from the dropdown list.

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After you have configured the desired settings, click [Update] to apply the changes.


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