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Advanced member settings

The advanced member settings screen enables you to edit the settings for new member signups.

Accessing the screen

In the left sidebar menu, click [Member] -> [Member].

Image from Gyazo

On the member list screen, click the [Member] link above the page title and select [Advanced member settings] in the dropdown menu.

Image from Gyazo

Current settings

Clicking [Change settings] redirects you to the new member registration conditions screen.

Image from Gyazo

Image from Gyazo

Other settings

Image from Gyazo

Configure default group settingsClick to configure user group(s) that new members will belong to and their login permissions.
Configure field settings for membersClick to configure additional member information items.

E-mail notification

Image from Gyazo

E-mail address for notification of new member registrationSet notifications for when a member registers.
When [Notify] is turned ON, a notification email will be sent to the email address registered in the field when a new member registers.
Notification e-mail to newly registered usersSet notifications for when registration is completed for the user.
When [Notify] is turned ON, a notification email will be sent to the user who registered as a new member.
Note: If the user's email is not registered, no notification will be sent.
E-mail address for notification of member updateSet notifications for when a member's information is edited.
When [Notify] is turned ON, a notification email will be sent to the email address registered in the field when member information is edited.
Notification e-mail to user when updating member informationSet notifications for when editing is completed for the user.
When [Notify] is turned ON, a notification email will be sent to the user who edited the member's information.
Note: If the user's email is not registered, no notification will be sent.

Editing notification e-mail contents

To change the contents of notification e-mails, click [Operation] -> [Message template] in the left sidebar menu.

After configuring the e-mail notification settings, click [Update] to apply the changes.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.