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Sending messages to LINE users

This page explains how to send messages from Kuroco to LINE users by integrating Kuroco with the LINE Messaging API.


Kuroco provides the feature to send messages to LINE users. Messages are sent to users by sending instructions from Kuroco to LINE using the LINE Messaging API. Sending messages requires writing code in Kuroco's custom function.

When adding friends to a LINE official account, you can register users in Kuroco using the LINE user ID (no log in permission required), and use the trigger function to trigger various events in Kuroco and send LINE messages to any user at any timing.

What you'll learn

You will learn how to send messages from Kuroco to LINE users using the following steps:


Obtain the LINE User ID from the Webhook sent when adding friends to the LINE official account.


You can also use the OAuth integration feature to register members in Kuroco using a LINE account.
For more details, please refer to the tip in Obtaining the LINE User ID from the Webhook when Adding Friends to the LINE Official Account.

Creating a Channel in the LINE Developers Console

First, you need to create a channel in the LINE Developers Console. If you don't have a LINE account, please create one.

Log in to the LINE Developers Console (When logging in for the first time, you will be asked whether to register as a developer or not, you will need to register as a developer in this case).
Image from Gyazo

Next, create a new provider by clicking the [Create] button.
Image from Gyazo

Specify the provider name. Here, we will use "KurocoSampleProvider".
Image from Gyazo

Next, create a channel by clicking [Create New Channel].
Image from Gyazo

Select [Messaging API] as the channel type.
Image from Gyazo

You will be redirected to the new channel creation screen.
Image from Gyazo

Enter the following items and click the [Create] button.

Channel typeMessaging API
ProviderSpecify the provider created in the previous steps.
Company or owner's country or regionSelect the country/region where the company is located for corporations, or select the country/region where the store or residence is located for individuals.
Channel iconUpload an image that will be the icon of the channel.
Channel nameSpecify the channel name.
Channel descriptionEnter the description of the channel.
CategorySelect the main category.
SubcategorySelect the Subcategory.
Email addressEnter the email address of the person who will be the administrator of this channel.
Privacy policy URLCheck the checkbox after confirming the content.
Terms of use URLCheck the checkbox after confirming the content.

A confirmation dialog will be displayed. If there are no issues, click "OK".
Image from Gyazo

After creating, the channel will be displayed as shown below. Click to check the detailed information.
Image from Gyazo

That's it, the channel has been created.
Note down the Channel ID as it will be used later.

Configure LINE Connection

Next, we will configure the connection between Kuroco and LINE.

First, prepare a pair of public and private keys, and register the public key in the settings screen of the channel created earlier.

There are several ways to create a pair of public and private keys, but if your web browser supports Web Crypto API (such as Google Chrome), you can generate the private and public keys using the SubtleCrypto.generateKey() method.
Here, we will explain how to create the public and private keys using Google Chrome as an example.

Launch Google Chrome and open the browser's developer tools.
Image from Gyazo

Enter the following code in the JavaScript console and execute it (press Enter key).

(async () => {
const pair = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
modulusLength: 2048,
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]),
hash: "SHA-256",
["sign", "verify"]

console.log("=== private key ===");
await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", pair.privateKey),
" "

console.log("=== public key ===");
await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", pair.publicKey),
" "

Image from Gyazo

When successful, the following secret key and public key will be generated.

Example of secret key

"alg": "RS256",
"d": "B6A6he..........",
"dp": "ogd_VFa..........",
"dq": "qt9TJZV..........",
"e": "AQAB",
"ext": true,
"key_ops": [
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "wQoAaMQmz..........",
"p": "92ODEIUZY..........",
"q": "x8ItprfI7..........",
"qi": "kfmYirMr.........."

Example of public key

"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQ..........",
"ext": true,
"key_ops": [
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "wQoAaMQm.........."

Click the [Register a public key] button next to the "Assertion Signing Key" in the channel settings screen you created earlier. Image from Gyazo

Enter the created public key. Click the [Register] button. Image from Gyazo

When the registration of the public key is successful, the kid will be displayed, copy it for later use. Image from Gyazo

Integrating Kuroco with LINE in the Kuroco Admin Panel

Next, go to the Kuroco admin panel and click [External system integration] -> [LINE].

Image from Gyazo

Check the "Enable" checkbox in the [LINE] section, enter the channel ID, secret key, and assertion signing key (kid) that you copied earlier, and click [Update].

The Kuroco settings are now complete.

Obtaining the LINE User ID from the Webhook when adding friends to the LINE Official Account

Next, set it up so that when a LINE user adds the official account as a friend, the user is automatically registered as a member of Kuroco.


It is also possible to use the OAuth integration function to register members in Kuroco using a LINE account.

Preparing a group

Create a group called "LINE Users". Take note the ID of the created group.
Image from Gyazo

Creating an endpoint to receive webhooks

We need a webhook endpoint on the Kuroco side to receive LINE events.
Create an endpoint with the following settings for the API that uses Cookie as security.

ModelApi / Api / v1 / request_api_post
SummaryEndpoint for LINE Webhook
API Request LimitNone

Image from Gyazo

Also, create another endpoint for member registration. Create an endpoint with the following settings for the API that uses Dynamic Token as security.

Item NameInput Value
ModelMember / Member / v1 / insert
SummaryLINE member registration
API Request LimitGroup Auth / Administrator
default_group_idID of the created group above
use_columnsname1, name1, login_ok_flg

Image from Gyazo

Image from Gyazo

Creating Custom function for User Registration

Create a custom function with the following details:

  • Title: LINE Webhook
  • Category: Uncategorized
  • Identifier: line_webhook
  • Process: (see below)

Setting the Webhook URL in LINE Channel Settings

In the LINE Developers Console, open the [Messaging API] tab in the Messaging API Channel Settings page.
Register the created endpoint in the [Webhook URL] field.

Image from Gyazo

Adding LINE Official Account as a Friend for Testing

Scan the [QR code] displayed on the Messaging API Channel Settings page with your device and add the LINE Official Account as a friend.

Image from Gyazo

Check the displayed official channel name and tap [Get friends-only info].

Image from Gyazo

Confirm that the member is added to the member list in the Kuroco management screen.

Image from Gyazo

Image from Gyazo

Send a Message to User Using Kuroco's Custom Function

For testing purposes, create a custom function and write the following:

  • Title: LINE test
  • Category: Uncategorized
  • Identifier: line_test
  • Process: (see below)
subject='LINE message test'
contents="Hello [emoji:5ac21a8c040ab15980c9b43f:001][emoji:5ac21a8c040ab15980c9b43f:002][emoji:5ac21a8c040ab15980c9b43f:003] "

Enter (LINE User ID) in the to field.

You can include emojis in the contents field as shown above. To insert an emoji, use the following format:

[emoji:(Product ID):(Emoji ID)]

For available emojis, refer to the LINE Emoji Definitions.

Result of the Message Image from Gyazo


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.