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Implementing view-based page rankings in Google Analytics

To implement a ranking based on the number of page views in Google Analytics (GA), you need to do the following:

  1. Integrate GA with Kuroco from the admin panel
  2. Set the custom dimensions
  3. Embed Google tags on the front-end site
  4. Set up an additional field for page views in your content structure
  5. Set the number of page views retrieved as content data
  6. Create a list API to retrieve the views of 10 pages in descending order for ranking generation

Integrate GA with Kuroco from the admin panel

See Tutorial: How to link Google Analytics for a detailed guide.

Set the custom dimensions

Set either content ID or slug as a custom dimension value, based on your front-end configurations. Either option is fine, since both are used to specify the viewed content.

Example using slug:

Please set the dimension name to any meaningful and understandable name of your choice.

Image from Gyazo

Embed Google tags on the front-end site

See Tutorial: How to link Google Analytics for a detailed guide on how to configure the front-end. 

In this tutorial, we will only retrieve the page views for the content pages we want to rank. Therefore, we will send the page_view event as a mounted embedding:

if (process.browser) {
const slug = this.$route.params.asset_name // Retrieve slug from page URL, etc.
this.$gtag('event', 'page_view', {
'detail_page_slug': slug

At this stage, please check the frontend display and if the page_view event is being sent correctly, you can confirm the number of page views as shown below by specifying the custom dimension in the GA console.
※ It may take about half a day for the data to accumulate. If you want to check immediately, you can use real-time tracking to verify the parameters of the page_view event.

Image from Gyazo

Set up an additional field for page views in your content structure

Image from Gyazo *Make sure you select [Counter] as the field type.
*The identifier value entered here will be used when setting the page views in the contents module.

Confirming PV Count via API

You can verify if you can retrieve the PV count via API by using

  1. Select GA4 from the toggle switch under "Demos & Tools" on the top left.
  2. Choose the target property from Select property.
  3. Set the values for dateRanges, dimensions, metrics, limit, and orderBys. For dimensions, specify "customEvent:[your custom dimension slug]". Image from Gyazo
  4. Execute the Google Analytics Data API by clicking [MAKE REQUEST]. Image from Gyazo

Set the number of page views retrieved as content data

Create a batch process as follows to execute SmartyPlugin and set the page views retrieved as content data.
Click on [Add] from [Operation]->[Batch Template].

Image from Gyazo

Once the batch processing editing screen opens, add the following batch processing.

{*Retrieve page view count from GA and set it in the counter*}
{googleanalytics var=result
topics_group_id=1}{*Enter the target content structure ID as the topics_group_id*}

{*Reflects data from the counter in the contents data*}
{assign_array var=ext_data values=''}
{assign var=ext_data.topics_ids value=$updated_topics_ids}
{batch module='topics' name='sync_counter' ext_data=$ext_data}

Image from Gyazo

Once added, set the frequency for running the batch processing.

Image from Gyazo

Available parameters

The following parameters are available for the GA plugin:

varVariable name assigned to the retrieved result
viewIdView ID in GA
update_column_slugSlug of the column to be updated
update_column_indexNumber of columns to be updated (for repeating columns)
update_target_metricMetric used (default: ga:pageviews)
update_target_dimensionDimension used (default: ga:pagePath)
topics_group_idTarget content structure ID
startDateCounter start date (default: 7 days ago)
endDateCounter end date (default: today)
queriesDirect query specifications

Create a list API to retrieve the views of 10 pages in descending order for ranking generation

  • topics_group_id: (target content structure ID)
  • cnt: 10
  • order_query: pv:desc


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.