




Your data is stored and processed in data centers located in the United States, while we use other data centers around the world to receive your mail quickly.

引用:SendGrid FAQs


メール本文は最大72時間保存されるようです。 (再送などに必要な場合がある)

We retain email message bodies only as long as it takes for us to deliver the email. This can take up to 72 hours if we need to retry due to delivery failure.
*Please note that if you choose to use our Scheduled Sending features, we will retain email message bodies for as long as you tell us to (up to 6 days) based on your schedule. However, once the message is sent, we retain the message only as long as it takes to deliver the email.

引用:Data Retention and Deletion in Twilio Products


Twilio SendGridサービスをご利用の場合、電子メール本文は、送信にかかる時間だけ保持し、他の個人データ、つまり電子メール受信者データを含むほとんどの個人データについては、最大37日間(30日間にデータ削除プロセスを完了するための追加日数を含む)保持されるようです。

If you’re using the Twilio SendGrid service, we only hold email message bodies for as long as it takes to send them. Other than your account data, we retain most other personal data, including email recipient data, for a maximum of 37 days (30 days, plus a little extra to finalize the deletion process), except as described below.

引用:Data Retention and Deletion in Twilio Products



We retain events associated with sent emails for up to a year. This data does not include the content of your messages, but it might include information that could be identified with a recipient, depending on the circumstances.

引用:Data Retention and Deletion in Twilio Products

