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Can I limit form responses to one per user?

Create an endpoint to check whether the target user has already submitted a response, and switch the frontend display based on the response accordingly.

Example settings


Create the following endpoint in the Kuroco management screen. If there is no response, the response of pageInfo.totalCnt will be 0.

inquiry_idTarget form ID
self_onlyCheck the box

Image from Gyazo
Image from Gyazo

Example of frontend code

Hide form items when the user has already submitted a response

For example, if you write the following code, the form items will not be displayed if the user has already submitted a response.

<div v-if="hadSubmitted.pageInfo.totalCnt == 0">
Display form items here
<div v-else>
The response has already been submitted.

export default {
async asyncData({ $axios }) {
return {
response: await $axios.$get('/rcms-api/1/inquiry/1'),
hadSubmitted: await $axios.$get('/rcms-api/1/check_answer'),
methods: {
async handleOnSubmit() {
Submit the form here

Disable submit button when the form has been answered

To disable the form submit button when the form has been answered but keep the form items displayed, modify the button section as follows:

<!-- ... -->
<!-- display form items ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<button v-if="hadSubmitted.pageInfo.totalCnt == 0" @click.prevent="handleOnSubmit">
<button v-else disabled>

export default {
async asyncData({ $axios }) {
return {
response: await $axios.$get('/rcms-api/1/inquiry/1'),
hadSubmitted: await $axios.$get('/rcms-api/1/check_answer'),
methods: {
async handleOnSubmit() {
<!-- ... -->
<!-- form submission process ... -->
<!-- ... -->

Return an error when the form is already answered during form submission

To check for double answers when submitting the form, modify the code as follows:

<!-- ... -->
<!-- display form items ... -->
<!-- ... -->

export default {
data() {
return {
error: null,
async asyncData({ $axios }) {
return {
response: await $axios.$get('/rcms-api/1/inquiry/1'),
methods: {
async handleOnSubmit() {
const hadSubmitted = await this.$axios.$get('/rcms-api/1/check_answer')
if (hadSubmitted.pageInfo.totalCnt == 0){
<!-- ... -->
<!-- form submission process ... -->
<!-- ... -->
this.error = "Already answered";


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