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What causes accounts to be locked?

When a login lock is applied, even if the correct ID and password are entered, the login attempt will fail. Additionally, the message "This member can't log in." will be displayed on the member's edit screen.

The following situations will trigger a login lock.

Kuroco common process


Multiple failed login attempts through the login form will trigger Kuroco's common lock function.


The lock will be automatically released after one hour.

Login lock function enabled


If you enable the login lock feature in the site settings, accounts will be locked after 5 failed login attempts.

Image from Gyazo


Admins can unlock accounts on the respective member editor screens in [Member] -> [Member]. There is no need to change any current values or settings.


  • Both the common lock and the admin panel login lock functions will display the same error messages. Therefore, you should first verify if login lock has been enabled in the site settings.
  • Refer to [Operation] -> [Log management] -> [Login logs] for help with resolving this issue.

For more information, see User guide: Login logs.

  • If all member accounts have been locked, including the site admin account, please contact our Support Team for assistance.


If you have any other questions, please contact us or check out Our Slack Community.